Catch On Of Our Encouraging Articles

Encourage Articles From CCOA

We want you to choose from any of our encouraging articles that have been provided to you by one of our Community Chaplains of Arkansas. We hope that this will bring you a bit of comfort to whatever may be going on in your life at this moment.

Open Hands

Open Hands

God gives us not only to meet our needs, but also to teach us to be good stewards of what He has given us.

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I’m Here

I’m Here

Today's topic will answer common problem about friendship. Thank you for being a friend' it was a well-known verbiage back in the days we would go...

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I want to share this amazing audio from the ministry of Crow Mountain Baptist Church. It deals with a topic that many of us need to hear in our lives. Whether you are a mature Christian, or have just found Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I encourage you to listen to this awesome audio rewind from CMBC.

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Bullets Flying Everywhere

Bullets Flying Everywhere

Bullets Flying Everywhere Are bullets flying everywhere? I know there are times in life in which we think we are constantly ducking and dodging...

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We’re All Different

We’re All Different

Everyone is created different. That’s what makes us individuals. Being different is more common than you think! Let’s get together and talk about some who is different just like you and how they can make a change in your life.

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