Community Chaplains of Arkansas

Serving the River Valley Area & Surrounding Communities…

About CCOA

Community Chaplains of Arkansas is here to offer assistance to those who are in spiritual need. We are here to provide to both your spiritual, as well as your emotional needs. We are proud to serve the River Valley Community & surrounding areas.

Our Goals

The Goal of Community Chaplains of Arkansas is to assist both individuals as well as families throughout their times of need. We realize that there is no greater gift that we can bring to our community that the gift of prayer and a listening ear.

CCOA’s History

CCOA was established in in 2015 under the umbrella of Cross & Shields ministry. CCOA grew out of the needs that we have seen our community in need of. Our mission is to provide you with both spiritual and support services in a loving way.

What We Do

CCOA offers a variety of services and skills that each of our Community Chaplains have been trained in and operate within their levels of expertise. Counseling, mentoring, addiction recovery, jail and prison ministries. Request to meet a chaplain to help you!

What Can A Chaplain Do For You?

Friendly Conversation

Emergency Assistance

Crisis Intervention

Spiritual Education

Transportation Assistance

Housing Assistance

Take In A Good Read

Take a moment to read a few of our articles. We hope they bring encouragement and hope to your life.

Open Hands

Open Hands

God gives us not only to meet our needs, but also to teach us to be good stewards of what He has given us.

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I’m Here

I’m Here

Today's topic will answer common problem about friendship. Thank you for being a friend' it was a well-known verbiage back in the days we would go visit our friends and family without cell phones, sharing the day's events and life's ups and downs, that was called a...

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Encouragement in Uncertain Times

Encouragement in Uncertain Times

"How are you doing?" That's become the flagship phrase in this worldwide pandemic that we have been living in for most of this year (2020). It's also been the most over used & underappreciated greeting in the world that we knew prior to this pandemic. So why do we...

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I want to share this amazing audio from the ministry of Crow Mountain Baptist Church. It deals with a topic that many of us need to hear in our lives. Whether you are a mature Christian, or have just found Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I encourage you to listen to this awesome audio rewind from CMBC.

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Bullets Flying Everywhere

Bullets Flying Everywhere

Bullets Flying Everywhere Are bullets flying everywhere? I know there are times in life in which we think we are constantly ducking and dodging bullets. Is it that bullets are flying everywhere or could it be more attributed to the paths we have chosen to follow....

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We’re All Different

We’re All Different

Everyone is created different. That’s what makes us individuals. Being different is more common than you think! Let’s get together and talk about some who is different just like you and how they can make a change in your life.

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