Encouragement in Uncertain Times
Written by: Bro. John
Bringing God to you in time of a crisis

“How are you doing?”

That’s become the flagship phrase in this worldwide pandemic that we have been living in for most of this year (2020). It’s also been the most over used & underappreciated greeting in the world that we knew prior to this pandemic. So why do we cling more to it now? Or at least take the time to truly appreciate it’s meaning in our daily interactions with each other???

The answer to that also reminds us of how grateful we should be of all the things in our lives that we often take for granted. Simply waking up every morning. Being able to hug our loved ones. Even something as simple as smiling to someone walking down the street is challenging today with the measures we are taking as a society to ensure everyone’s health & safety.

So, now more than ever we need to ASK & take the time to truly LISTEN to others when we ask, “How are you doing?”. Because we need to:

  1. Be “there” for someone that may be going through something that they just haven’t been able to talk about or have someone that genuinely cares
  2. Openly listen to what they are going through from their perspective
  3. Reserve any judgement or advice until we can understand what is being said & then approach that earned privilege to minister to the root of the need in their situation

Many of our chaplains have faced personal exposure, infection, recovery, on-going rehabilitation, & even the unfortunate loss of a loved one during this pandemic. The body of Christ, the church, has faced challenges & even persecution in how we continue to serve one another’s spiritual & physical needs during these times. I encourage you to stand fast upon the teachings of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ; study them & apply them to your daily lives; allow that to empower you to be there for your fellow man/woman as we are most needed to be ambassadors for Christ & help this world to find peace, understanding in this life, & everlasting life in the hereafter.

“Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know He holds my hand.”

February 2025