Open Hands

Open Hands

Imagine you are given a nickle to hold in each hand. Now close each hand tightly over each nickel. If someone were to ask you, “Can you help me, I’m poor & anything you could spare would help?”. Would you be able to help them with your hands...
I’m Here

I’m Here

Today’s topic will answer common problem about friendship. Thank you for being a friend’ it was a well-known verbiage back in the days we would go visit our friends and family without cell phones, sharing the day’s events and life’s ups and...
Encouragement in Uncertain Times

Encouragement in Uncertain Times

“How are you doing?” That’s become the flagship phrase in this worldwide pandemic that we have been living in for most of this year (2020). It’s also been the most over used & underappreciated greeting in the world that we knew prior to...