November 4, 2015 Officers Meeting Minutes
Published on: April 26, 2017
CCOA Secretary's Report
November 4, 2015 Officers Meeting Minutes
Prepared & Submitted by: Dawn
Members Present
President Edward Lopez, Vice President Danny Northcut, Secretary Dawn Hyatt, Treasurer Sharon Malone, and Training Coordinator Paul Northcut.
Opening Prayer
Opening Scripture
Opening Scripture
President's Report
Place notes in here
Motion To Accept The President's Report
Second To Accept President's Report
Motion Carries
Secretary's Report
Due to legal issues presented to the group, the first item discussed was whether to change the name of CCOA. If so, why and to what. It was unanimously decided to keep the name and acronym. Several designs have been submitted for our new logo and it was decide that our organization would have the logo (the logo is as seen on the current website) as presented by President Lopez, President Lopez would provide the cost of the new logo and style and printer details in his report during the meeting. Also decided, was to inform Chaplain Greg Hyatt to begin construction of the new CCOA website with the new logo.<br /> <br /> The next item was on the Mission Statement and the following was decided:<br /> "Our mission is to share the life changing Good News of Jesus Christ in a non-threatening manner." This is to prevent any issues on copy-write with Community Chaplains of America. <br /> <br /> The requirements to be an Active Member of Community Chaplains of Arkansas had minor updates made to the wording in item # 7 and # 8. Item # 7 was changed to read, "The individual must successfully complete basic Chaplaincy Training from a nationally recognized organization such as: Community Chaplains of America, marketplace Ministries, North American Board of Southern Baptist, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association or other such training that meets the approval of C.C.O.A. Leadership." Item #8 was changed to read, "To remain on the Active Membership List, the individual will need to attend at least two meetings or activities of C.C.O.A. in every calendar year..."<br /> <br /> Next, it was decided that we would continue to hold monthly meetings, but business meetings would be restricted to once per quarter; allowing more time for training and other ministry activities. <br /> <br /> Chaplain in Training, Jim Lavendier, was unanimously voted in as a new member of the organization.<br /> <br /> The agenda items for the 11-14-15 meeting were set, The training session was decided for "Necessary Equipment" bag. the date for the election meeting was set for 1-9-15 at the Crow Mountain Baptist Church at 9:00 a.m. with pot luck to follow. Meeting was adjourned.<br /> <br />
Motion To Accept The Secretary's Report
Second To Accept The Secretary's Report
Motion Carries
Treasurer's Report
Motion To Accept Treasurer's Report
Second To Accept Treasurer's Report
Motion Carries