August 29, 2015
Published on: April 26, 2017
CCOA Secretary's Report
August 29, 2015
Prepared & Submitted by: Dawn
Members Present
Edward Lopez, Paul Northcut, Ken Latham, Sharon Malone, Dinorah Rangel, Danny Northcut, Harry Komprood, John Freeman, Mary Kisor, and Howard Kisor *Also attending: Tim Barnes (interested in becoming a Chaplain), Steve Sullivan (guest trainer) and Suzin Blair (Mr. Sullivan's assistant).
Opening Prayer
President Lopez
Opening Scripture
Proverbs 27
President's Report
The motion to adopt the Revised Agenda handed out at the start of the meeting with the understanding that the President can adjust the Agenda as necessary was made.*New Business added to the agenda: (see for further info).Report on Activities taken by CCOA Leadership Team on 8-20-15 in reference to Catherine (Cae) Cordell:8-20-17 at 11:47 a.m., Chaplain Paul Northcut sent the following email to CCOA Leadership Team members (Edward Lopez, Danny Northcut, Dawn Hyatt and Howard Kisor) with the "Removal from Membership" letter regarding Catherine Cordell attached to the email.-Chaplain Paul Northcut wrote:"CCOA leadership team, see what you think of this letter. Please feel free to make suggestions, edits and corrections. I value your input.I would like your reply ASAP. I want to send this by certified mail today. Thank you very much and PLEASE COVER THIS WITH PRAYER. Chaplain Paul "********************8-20-15 at 3:20 p.m., Edward Lopez, Danny Northcut, Dawn Hyatt and Chaplain Paul Northcut met at Arvest Bank, 121 N. Elmira Ave., Russellville, AR 72802. The purpose of this meeting was to complete the necessary paperwork to open a new bank account for CCOA. The bank employee that assisted us was Christy Scott. This new account # is: ********. It was opened with the three current CCOA officers, Edward Lopez, Danny Northcut, and Dawn Hyatt, as authorized signers. The old account # ******** was closed and the money, $577.45 was deposited into the new account.While we were at the bank all four of us, Edward Lopez, Danny Northcut, Dawn Hyatt and Chaplain Paul Northcut, signed the letter of "Removal From Membership: that was prepared for Catherine Cordell. The bank employee then notarized the letter and also made a copy of the letter for the bank records.8-2015 at 4:15 p.m., Chaplain Paul Northcut took the letter to the Post Office and sent it certified mail, return receipt requested to : Catherine Cordell, 89 Apple Lane, Russellville, AR 72802-2155.
Motion To Accept The President's Report
Chaplain John Freeman
Second To Accept President's Report
Motion Carries
Secretary's Report
President Lopez called for consideration of the Secretary's report. Copies of the Minutes from the previous meeting held on 7-25-15 had been emailed to all members earlier in the month. There was a motion made and seconded that the minutes be approved as presented.
Motion To Accept The Secretary's Report
Second To Accept The Secretary's Report
Motion Carries
Treasurer's Report
In absence of a treasurer, Chaplain Paul Northcut presented four pages of documentation accounting for all the monies that have come into and been spent by CCOA since its inception in January of this year. There was a motion made and seconded to accept these documents. That was followed by several questions and additional explanations of financial matters. There was a call for the question and all voted to approve the motion to accept the financial report.
Motion To Accept Treasurer's Report
Second To Accept Treasurer's Report
Motion Carries