July 25, 2015
Published on: April 26, 2017

July 25, 2015
Prepared & Submitted by: Dawn
Members Present
Paul Northcut, Danny Northcut, Edward Lopez, Sharon Malone, Cae Cordell, John Freeman, Greg Hyatt, Dawn Hyatt, Dinorah Rangel, Raymond Holt, Jim Lavendier, Nora Earnest
Opening Prayer
Chaplain Danny Northcut
Opening Scripture
Proverbs 3:1-8 NIV, Philippians 2:13
President's Report
A brief devotional about needing to be born in the Spirit and acting in the Spirit and showing the fruits of the Spirit. He encouraged all to ask for the wisdom and courage to act out of love and to be love. He challenged all with a question to apply to our daily actions, "How can we be love to someone else?" He also referenced, Philippians 2:13, to do everything with and in joy. He encouraged us to take our time and be happy in all that we experience stating, "It's not what or who we have around us, but what is in us that affects our joy."Motion to adopt the agenda, with the President allowed to adjust the agenda at his discretion was made.
Motion To Accept The President's Report
Chaplain Paul Northcut
Second To Accept President's Report
Chaplain Cae Cordell
Motion Carries
Secretary's Report
The motion to accept the minutes of the meeting for June 27, 2015 as published was made.
Motion To Accept The Secretary's Report
Chaplain Cae Cordell
Second To Accept The Secretary's Report
Chaplain Paul Northcut
Motion Carries
Treasurer's Report
Due to unclear circumstances the treasurer, Chaplain Cae Cordell, said she did not have a report at this time but would provide one later. The motion to accept the treasurers report once it is published by email by Chaplain Cae Cordell was made.<br />
*This report is added as of 7-30-15 by Chaplain Dawn Hyatt, Secretary<br />
<br />
CCOA Financial Report for 7-1-15 through 7-30-15<br />
Date Code Item Category Debit - Credit + Balance <br />
7/1/15 Balance carried from 6/30/15 $378.82 <br />
7/20/15 DC Dardanelle Post Office - Stamps CCOA Expenses $49.00 $329.82 <br />
7/27/15 003 Drug Check Assurance Background Checks $15.95 $313.87 <br />
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />
<br />
Total Income $- <br />
Total Out $64.95<br />
Net total and ending Balance $313.87 <br />
Motion To Accept Treasurer's Report
Chaplain John Freeman
Second To Accept Treasurer's Report
Chaplain Danny Northcut
Motion Carries